Kyushin Heart Tonic 30 Tablets
Small Pills Containing Natural Medicines.
Active Ingredients: A daily dose of Kyushin (6 pills) contains 5mg of Toad Cake, 4mg of Oriental Bezoar, 5mg of Velvet Horn, 25mg of Ginseng, 6mg of Saiga Antelope Horn, 7.5mg of Pearl, 3mg of Agalloch, 2.7mg of Borneo Camphor, 8mg of Animal Bile (Hog Bile).
Inactive Ingredients: Corn Starch, Kambaiko (Steamed and dried glutinous rice flour), Carmellose and Medicinal Carbon.
Indications: Palpitation, panting, restorative.
Administration and Dosage: Adults (15 years and over): take 2 pills in each 3 times per day (morning, evening and before going to bed) with water or lukewarm water. Take this medicine with water or lukewarm water without leaving in a mouth or chewing. (If you leave this medicine in a mouth or chew it, numbness of tongue or mouth is left for a while because of the property of an ingredient.)
Size: 30 Tablets
Made in Japan
Brand | IMOMOKO |
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