UYEKI Microwave Wipes


UYEKI Microwave Wipes

Simply warm in the microwave and wipe!

The mist floats the grime, then baking soda and orange oil work together to wipe off sticky remains in the microwave. There’s no need for a dry wipe, and it disinfects at the same time. You can use it around the kitchen where you have food.
*Not all bacteria is eliminated.

Feature No. 1
Vapor lifts the remains, baking soda + orange oil cleans!

Feature No. 2
Mesh sheet enables extra peeling effect

Feature No. 3
No need for double wiping. It uses a special safe solution that can be used on microwaves and in the
kitchen, around food items with ease. There is no need to wipe twice.

Feature No. 4
Sterilizing effect


Made in Japan

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